11 Quick SEO Tips to Increase Organic Traffic

How to optimize your SEO strategy?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of improving the visibility of websites or web pages in search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and Yandex. The goal of SEO is to increase traffic from organic searches.

There are several ways to improve your SEO strategy. In this article, I'll share some of my favorite tips.

1. Add a page title tag - A page title tag is a small piece of text that appears above the browser’s URL bar when you visit a website. It's often used by search engine crawlers to classify your site.

The page title tag should be between 60-80 characters long. Make sure it contains keywords related to your product or service. If your company name also includes keywords, make sure they appear at least twice in the page title tag.

For example: "How to Choose Best Web Hosting for WordPress" instead of just "Best Web Hosting".

2. Use H1 Tags for Headings - Using H1 tags can help you structure your content better by making it more readable.

An H1 tag is the most important element on any webpage. It represents the main topic of content on the page. Use it if your page has more than one subtopic.

An H1 tag will generally have about 150 characters. Include words that describe your page content. For example, a blog post may include keywords like "blog", "posts", "writing", etc.

A page title tag is an HTML element that appears at the top of every page on your site. It's one of the first things users see when they visit your website.

3. Add alt text to images - Alt text is used to describe the image if a visitor has disabled images in their browser.

You can use the alt attribute to provide alternative text describing what the image shows. This way, people with visual impairments won't see broken graphics.

4. Create a sitemap - A sitemap describes how different pages are connected. You can create a sitemap using XML Sitemaps.xml file.

5. Optimize Images - There are multiple tools you can use to optimize images. Some of them are free while others require a subscription. Small sizes images are best when you want to optimize your website for mobile.

6. Create Rich Snippets - These snippets contain information about your business and your products/services. They're useful because they show up in relevant places on Google Search results.

7. Link Building - Link building refers to getting other sites to link back to yours. Link building isn't spamming so don't worry too much about getting banned.

In fact, link building helps your website get ranked higher in search engines.

8. Build Quality Backlinks  When someone links to your website, it tells Google that your site is trustworthy. That means Google considers your site more authoritative.

9. Don't Forget About Social Media - Social media is another great platform to promote your website. Share your content online through social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.

10. Promote Your Website - Once you've done all these things, it's time to test whether your changes were successful. Try searching for relevant terms on Google and check out where your website ranks.

11. Include keywords in URLs - If you include relevant keywords in the URL of your webpage, you can reduce the chances of being blocked by